
Frap Tools Falistri Movement Manager Eurorack Modulation Module

Frap Tools

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The FALISTRI is a fully analog multipurpose movement manager designed to generate and edit voltages to easily accomplish any patch.

The module can be divided into two big parts: in the upper two-thirds of the panel take place two specular function generators, while the lower third is composed by a dual cascaded frequency divider, a linear slew limiter, and a four-quadrant multiplier.

Function Generators

The generators are made to quickly and intuitively achieve the function needed, providing several outputs and inputs to dynamically change their times and trigs. The main peculiarity in this design is the way shapes are managed:

times are independent of shapes – when sculpting an envelope, you can freely morph from Logarithmic to Linear to Exponential slope, without changing the time needed to complete Rise or Fall (and their Loop time when used as an oscillator);
shapes are exclusive per each stage – you can have Logarithmic Rise and Logarithmic Fall, Linear Attack and Logarithmic Fall or any other combination of the three modes, and of course any blending in between these shapes, allowing deep sculptures of sound when used as a Control Voltage generator as well as an audio source.
The time switch scales the time factor on both the ‘Rise’ and ‘Fall’ stages in each generator.

Both manual buttons (for hands-on control) and external trigger/gate inputs are available, and the generators can operate in the possible play modes:

Loop – the ‘End Of Fall’ stage triggers the start of the ‘Rise’ one – incoming triggers are not needed, but if present they reset the ‘Rise’ stage;
Transient – only the low-to-high transition of the Trigger/Gate signal is used to start the ‘Rise’ stage, while the ‘Fall’ stage is automatically recalled at the End Of Rise;
Sustained – the low-to-high transition of the Trigger/Gate signal is used to start the rise stage, while the fall stage is triggered by the high-to-low transition of the Trigger/Gate signal.
A Gate input for switching from Loop to Transient and vice versa is also present.

Quadrature (Q) mode combines the yellow and green function generators with the following stages connections:

end of yellow ‘Rise’ triggers start of green ‘Rise’;
end of green ‘Rise’ triggers start of yellow ‘Fall’;
end of yellow ‘Fall’ triggers start of green ‘Fall’.

CV Outputs

  • yellow and green
  • unipolar 0V/+10V
  • bipolar -5V/+5V
  • attenuverted -10V/0/+10V
  • Analog OR or Maximum function between yellow and green
  • Gate Outputs
  • yellow and green
  • End of Rise
  • End of Fall

Cascaded Frequency Dividers

Also known as “flip/flop” or “sub-octave processor”, each of these circuits changes its logic state each time a low to high transition is performed. The sections are semi-normalled in order to achieve 1/2 and 1/4 outputs from a single input. Output range switches are useful to obtain unipolar (0V/+10V) or bipolar signals (-5V/+5V).

When an audio signal is used it works as a sub-octave generator (square/pulse preferred). When a clock is used it works as a clock divider. Random clocks from SAPÈL create interesting variable-length sequences of gates.

Four Quadrant Multiplier

Also known as “ring modulator”, “balanced modulator”, or “ThruZero VCA”, this sections precisely multiplies two signals, making any sort of amplitude/loudness modulation possible.

With an exceptional linearity, and a bandwidth from DC to more than 20KHz, the result of this operation is completely up to the sources in use: from a simple dual unipolar multiplication (one quadrant), to unipolar / bipolar (two quadrants), up to any kind of dual bipolar multiplication (four quadrants).

The two inlets are semi-normalled to yellow and green generators. The 4 led matrix shows which of the quadrant is currently in use.

It may also be used as a VCA, with a linear CV response.

Linear Slew Limiter

Also known as “portamento” or “glide” when using a pitched CV, this processor comes into play when any voltage smoothing is needed. With independent rise and fall slew rates, it is possible to precisely smooth any kind of voltage transition.

Product Overview

The FALISTRI is a fully analog multipurpose movement manager designed to generate and edit voltages to easily accomplish any patch.

The module can be divided into two big parts: in the upper two-thirds of the panel take place two specular function generators, while the lower third is composed by a dual cascaded frequency divider, a linear slew limiter, and a four-quadrant multiplier.

Function Generators

The generators are made to quickly and intuitively achieve the function needed, providing several outputs and inputs to dynamically change their times and trigs. The main peculiarity in this design is the way shapes are managed:

times are independent of shapes – when sculpting an envelope, you can freely morph from Logarithmic to Linear to Exponential slope, without changing the time needed to complete Rise or Fall (and their Loop time when used as an oscillator);
shapes are exclusive per each stage – you can have Logarithmic Rise and Logarithmic Fall, Linear Attack and Logarithmic Fall or any other combination of the three modes, and of course any blending in between these shapes, allowing deep sculptures of sound when used as a Control Voltage generator as well as an audio source.
The time switch scales the time factor on both the ‘Rise’ and ‘Fall’ stages in each generator.

Both manual buttons (for hands-on control) and external trigger/gate inputs are available, and the generators can operate in the possible play modes:

Loop – the ‘End Of Fall’ stage triggers the start of the ‘Rise’ one – incoming triggers are not needed, but if present they reset the ‘Rise’ stage;
Transient – only the low-to-high transition of the Trigger/Gate signal is used to start the ‘Rise’ stage, while the ‘Fall’ stage is automatically recalled at the End Of Rise;
Sustained – the low-to-high transition of the Trigger/Gate signal is used to start the rise stage, while the fall stage is triggered by the high-to-low transition of the Trigger/Gate signal.
A Gate input for switching from Loop to Transient and vice versa is also present.

Quadrature (Q) mode combines the yellow and green function generators with the following stages connections:

end of yellow ‘Rise’ triggers start of green ‘Rise’;
end of green ‘Rise’ triggers start of yellow ‘Fall’;
end of yellow ‘Fall’ triggers start of green ‘Fall’.

CV Outputs

  • yellow and green
  • unipolar 0V/+10V
  • bipolar -5V/+5V
  • attenuverted -10V/0/+10V
  • Analog OR or Maximum function between yellow and green
  • Gate Outputs
  • yellow and green
  • End of Rise
  • End of Fall

Cascaded Frequency Dividers

Also known as “flip/flop” or “sub-octave processor”, each of these circuits changes its logic state each time a low to high transition is performed. The sections are semi-normalled in order to achieve 1/2 and 1/4 outputs from a single input. Output range switches are useful to obtain unipolar (0V/+10V) or bipolar signals (-5V/+5V).

When an audio signal is used it works as a sub-octave generator (square/pulse preferred). When a clock is used it works as a clock divider. Random clocks from SAPÈL create interesting variable-length sequences of gates.

Four Quadrant Multiplier

Also known as “ring modulator”, “balanced modulator”, or “ThruZero VCA”, this sections precisely multiplies two signals, making any sort of amplitude/loudness modulation possible.

With an exceptional linearity, and a bandwidth from DC to more than 20KHz, the result of this operation is completely up to the sources in use: from a simple dual unipolar multiplication (one quadrant), to unipolar / bipolar (two quadrants), up to any kind of dual bipolar multiplication (four quadrants).

The two inlets are semi-normalled to yellow and green generators. The 4 led matrix shows which of the quadrant is currently in use.

It may also be used as a VCA, with a linear CV response.

Linear Slew Limiter

Also known as “portamento” or “glide” when using a pitched CV, this processor comes into play when any voltage smoothing is needed. With independent rise and fall slew rates, it is possible to precisely smooth any kind of voltage transition.