
Konstant Lab M2S Eurorack Mono to Stereo Convertor Module

Konstant Lab

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Mono to Stereo? or Stereo to Mono? …both ways!

M2S is a passive eurorack module that sports 2 HP. You can convert any audio signal from two mono channels to stereo jack (or backwards). M2S can also be used as a passive stereo output module. You can connect either your headphones or cable to active loudspeakers via its stereo output.

DIMENSIONS 10 × 10 × 4 cm
150 g
0mA (passive)
2 screws
2 plastic washers

Product Overview

Mono to Stereo? or Stereo to Mono? …both ways!

M2S is a passive eurorack module that sports 2 HP. You can convert any audio signal from two mono channels to stereo jack (or backwards). M2S can also be used as a passive stereo output module. You can connect either your headphones or cable to active loudspeakers via its stereo output.